How To Handle Being In a Rear-End Auto Accident

Rear-end collisions can lead to serious injuries, often affecting the neck or spine. These types of injuries can be severe, sometimes requiring a long time to heal or even causing lasting damage. If you’ve been hurt in a rear-end crash, you may be wondering how to speed up your recovery and get back to your […]

Ever Wonder How Many Motor Vehicle Accidents Occur In Texas?

Every day, countless Texans travel across the extensive highways and backroads of the Lone Star State. Whether it’s a trip from Dallas to El Paso or just a short drive around town, the roads of Texas are lively channels of activity and trade. However, amidst this constant movement and energy, there is a serious issue […]

How The Hot Dallas Temperatures Impact Road Rage

Summer is here, and the sun is shining bright. As people drive around, emotions can run high. It seems like just a little thing on the road can set off a flurry of honking, particularly when the temperature rises. Studies have shown that there’s a connection between heat and aggressive behavior. According to experts, high […]

Summer Travel Driving Tips from the Law Office of Brian Brunson

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the AAA reports that approximately 37 million people embarked on a road type somewhere in the United States. This surge in travel is a significant rise compared to last year’s lower travel rate. In fact, the AAA highlights that this figure represents a 60% increase from the previous year, when […]

Obtener Compensacion Despues De Un Accidente Por Conduccion en Ebrio

En Texas, conducir en estado de ebriedad contribuye significativamente a los daños a la propiedad. Si su propiedad ha resultado dañada como resultado de las acciones de un conductor ebrio, tiene derecho a solicitar una indemnización por los daños sufridos. Es importante tener en cuenta que las compañías de seguros a menudo no le informan […]

Why Hire Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer Brian Brunson

After a car accident, it is crucial to seek legal help in order to ensure that you receive the compensation and justice you are entitled to. However, selecting the right car accident lawyer can be overwhelming, especially when numerous law firms claim to handle your case with utmost care and expertise. How can you navigate […]


Ahora que el invierno finalmente llega a su fin, resulta fundamental realizar una revisión minuciosa de su automóvil antes de volver a salir a la carretera. Esto no sólo garantiza su seguridad al minimizar las posibilidades de contratiempos, sino que también garantiza un viaje tranquilo y sin complicaciones. Para ayudarle a preparar su automóvil para […]


Imagínese este escenario: deja que otra persona tome el volante de su automóvil y, de repente, ocurre un accidente. ¿De quién será el seguro que pagará los daños? ¿Su seguro de automóvil cubre a otros conductores? Desentrañar esta pregunta desconcertante implica comprender varios factores que influyen en el alcance de su cobertura de seguro. Legalmente, […]

Wrecks Involving Public Transportation Vehicles

If you were in an accident involving government-owned public transportation like a bus, train, or subway, you might be able to pursue compensation from the government entity in charge of the system. But, filing a claim for injuries against a public agency usually means dealing with a different set of rules and procedures. What To […]


Si se ve involucrado en un accidente automovilístico en el área metropolitana de Dallas-Fort Worth, es esencial que consulte a un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos para salvaguardar sus derechos y obtener una compensación justa. Sin embargo, numerosas personas pueden tener temores con respecto a los gastos que implica contratar representación legal para su […]

What To Do If You’re Involved In a Rear End Collision

Rear-end accidents can cause significant harm, frequently leading to neck or spinal injuries. These injuries can be quite serious, sometimes necessitating extended recovery periods or resulting in permanent damage. If you have sustained injuries in a rear-end collision, you might be curious about ways to accelerate your healing and resume your normal activities, including returning […]

Who Causes More Wrecks, Teen Drivers or Adults?

It is commonly thought that the more experience a driver has, the safer they are on the road. This leads to the belief that teenagers are more likely to be involved in car accidents compared to drivers in other age groups.  You might be curious to know if there is any solid proof to back […]