What exactly is a personal injury lawyer?

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident in Dallas-Fort Worth or the surrounding metroplex, you could be entitled to substantial financial compensation. But in most cases, in order to effectively pursue a claim, you need an experienced personal injury attorney on your side. A personal injury attorney, also known as a car […]

Tips to Follow If You Have to Pull Over on the Highway

Whether you just need a break, or you unfortunately get a flat tire, at one point or another, you’ll likely need to pull over on the highway or city street. As you can imagine, if you find yourself on the side of the highway it can be an extremely dangerous situation. If it’s not an […]

Why are some vehicles more dangerous and how is safety determined?

Not all vehicles are created equal in terms of safety and resilience. Some modes of transportation, such as bicycles and motorcycles, leave users extremely vulnerable during accidents. On the other hand, massive vehicles like big rigs and buses may boast increased protection due to their size and sturdiness, but navigating busy roads can be quite […]

How Do I Know If My Car Will Be Considered “Totaled”

If you’re involved in a car accident, you’re probably hoping that your insurer will pay to restore your precious ride back to its pre-crash glory. But, it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes, the unthinkable happens: your car is deemed a “total loss” or, in simpler terms, “totaled.” What does “totaled” mean, you ask? It’s […]

What To Do If You’re Involved In An Accident With An Out-of-State Driver

Imagine finding yourself in an accident with an out-of-state driver while cruising along one of Texas’ beautiful highways. Fear not, as there’s a clear-cut plan of action to follow! First and foremost, swiftly maneuver your vehicle to a safe location, turn off the ignition, and set up emergency flares—this will fend off any additional collisions. […]

Do I really need to hire a personal injury lawyer?

A motor vehicle accident can turn your world upside down, shifting your priorities to healing and safeguarding yourself and your loved ones. When another’s negligence is the culprit behind your injury, countless questions may cloud your mind: Will my car insurance pay for this? Is my injury severe enough to warrant a law firm’s assistance? […]

The Dangers of Letting Someone Else Drive Your Car

Imagine this scenario, you let someone else take the wheel of your car, and suddenly, there’s an accident. Whose insurance will pay for the damages? Does your car insurance cover other drivers? Unraveling this puzzling question involves understanding several factors that influence the extent of your insurance coverage. Legally, auto insurance is designed to safeguard […]

5 Signs You’ve Hired The Wrong Personal Injury Lawyer

Believe it when we say that all attorneys are not created equal. As with any professional, skill level and expertise in their chosen field will vary. When it comes to fighting for you after you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, the last thing you want is an incompetent personal injury lawyer representing you. […]

Resolving a Dallas Auto Wreck Through Mediation

A motor vehicle accident is oftentimes a life-altering event that results in physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Most accident claims are settled outside of court and do not require litigation. However, if your claim ends up in court, a judge will likely request mediation as an alternative to resolving the matter. So what is mediation […]

5 Things Car Insurance Companies Wish You Didn’t Know

Unlocking the secrets of car insurance and discovering the factors providers consider can be your ticket to slashing expenses. Put yourself in the driver’s seat by analyzing your car owner profile and identifying the little details that can rev up savings or slam the brakes on affordability. Go on a deal-hunting road trip by comparing […]